What We Do


Core Youth service  is an independent community-based youth service set up in 1986. We provide non formal education, individual and group work support, plus a range of indoor and outdoor activities for young people from Inchicore and surrounding areas. 


"The project has a Vision of a well resourced community youth service which supports the young people of Inchicore"


Core Youth service is an independent community-based youth service. Its mission is to support and assist young people to achieve their full potential through;

  • Developing relationships with young people based on mutual respect 
  • Offering a friendly place where young people can learn and grow in an atmosphere that is enjoyable, encouraging and challenging
  • Offering a non-formal and relationship-based developmental and educational process
  • Contributing with others, including young people, to the creation of conditions that allow young people actively participate in decision making in areas that affect their lives
  • Intervening when appropriate and in partnership with young people to structures that are challenging for young people to navigate.

Locally based community project

Our area includes St. Michael’s Estate and Tyrone Place flats complexes, Emmet Crescent and the housing estates of Bulfin, Myra Close, Emmet Road and Turvey Avenue as well as the Oblates area of Inchicore.

From its inception the project has striven to include young people most at risk from Inchicore and surrounding areas. Many young people attending our project face difficulties in reaching their full potential trough a range of circumstances, mainly based in generational multi disadvantages. 

The youth Service takes a community development approach to its work in order to better advocate for services and facilities for young people in Inchicore. Therefore collaborating with other community groups and stakeholders where appropriate.

We are a participant in the FEAD fund in Ireland.

The FEAD programme is an EU-wide initiative to help support people take their first steps out of poverty and social exclusion. 85% of the funding comes from the EU with the balance of funding coming from the Irish Exchequer. The Department of Social Protection is the Managing Authority for FEAD in Ireland.

Core Youth Service benefits from food assistance. The programme provides non-perishable food via their charity partners to families and individuals in need. Food supplied consist of breakfast cereals, rice, pasta and pasta sauce, soups, canned fish, jam, tea, coffee, sugar, and canned vegetables and fruit. The food items are easy to transport and store.